
Since 1988 RMA Technologies Inc. has been Inside your Product™, Inside your Exhibit™, and making
Fun Creative Electronics™ we call FUNtioneering™ Interactive Technologies.

Inside your exhibit

Sci-Fi Control Panel

sci-fi control panel

Fly through space like alien explorers! Buttons, lights, levers, dials, sound effects and videos to immerse yourself into.


Grand Piano Floor™

Piano Floor

Hop, skip, and jump to play musical notes and sound effects!

Piano Floor


We will design and manufacture your new product for you, make your exhibit look good outside with our stuff inside, advertise, educate, entertain, or make the visitors to your attraction smile, laugh, or scream with delight! Our products and designs have been working under the ocean, on land around the world, and even tested things shot into space.

Whether your need is serious, sublime, or just plain fun call today and solve your problems with what we know.

Randy MacDonald, P.Eng., President